Call for Papers
The ICSGET-2024 is a platform both for industry and academia to present and discuss the innovations, trends, and concerns as well as the challenges encountered and solutions. We invite researchers, professionals, and industry experts to to submit their original, unpublished research contributions to these tracks that are not currently under consideration by another conference/journal, and be part of a collaborative effort to shape a sustainable and eco-conscious energy future.
Track 1: Innovative Technologies for Green Energy and Electric Mobility
- Advanced Battery Technologies and Energy Storage Solutions
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure and Fast Charging
- Renewable Energy Integration with Electric Mobility
- Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V) Technologies
- Energy Efficiency in Electric Drive Systems
Track 2: Innovations in Power Systems and Grid Infrastructure
- Smart Grid Technologies and Advanced Metering Infrastructure
- Microgrids and Distributed Generation Systems
- Grid Resilience and Cybersecurity in Power Systems
- Demand Response and Load Management Strategies
- Power Quality and Reliability Improvement Techniques
Track 3: Smart Electronics for Sustainable Solutions
- Embedded Systems for Sustainable Development
- Energy-Efficient Electronics and Low-Power Design
- Wearable Technologies for Health and Environmental Monitoring
- Green Electronics Manufacturing and Recycling
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Smart Electronics
Track 4: Materials for a Sustainable Future
- Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy Applications
- Nanomaterials for Environmental Remediation
- Sustainable Building Materials and Green Construction
- Recyclable and Biodegradable Materials
- Nanomaterials for Therapeutics and Diagnostics
Track 5: Nanotechnology Innovations in Energy, Environment, and Healthcare
- Nanotechnology for Solar Energy Harvesting
- Nanocatalysts for Sustainable Chemical Processes
- Environmental Impact and Safety of Nanomaterials
- Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Health Diagnostics
- Nanotechnology for Thermal Management
Papers undergo a single-blind review process, by experts drawn from reputed organizations, across the world. Nontrivial, unpublished and original contributions will only be considered for the conference. The conference will have main papers, presentations, and poster presentations for short papers. All accepted and registered (presented) papers is planned to publish in the proceedings of “E3S Web of Conferences”.